The College of Engineering, University of Basra, holds an electronic meeting with Al-Khwarizmi University in Tehran

At the request of Al-Khwarizmi University - Tehran in the Islamic Republic of Iran, an electronic meeting was held on the Google Meet platform between representatives of the University of Basra, College of Engineering, and the Department of International Relations at Al-Khwarizmi University, and representatives of the College of Engineering at the University of Basra, who are the Dean of the College and The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies, the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, and the heads of the departments of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering. The meeting was also attended by Dr. Muhammad Hamid Sabhan, a representative of the International Relations Unit at the University of Basra. Representatives of Al-Khwarizmi University took steps to activate the memorandum of understanding signed with them in October 2023 in terms of exchanging visits by faculty members and exchanging programs for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as holding joint research between the two parties.
The College of Engineering at the University of Basra has focused on knowledge of the disciplines of petroleum engineering, specifically well and oil reservoir drilling engineering, as well as chemical engineering. The two parties agreed to exchange data on the capabilities available to each party, after which the extent of each party’s benefit from the cooperation mechanism contract will be determined.