Head of Materials Engineering Department

Dr. Haider Mahdi Laieth


Head of Materials Engineering Department



The Speech of the Head of the Department:

The College of Engineering is one of the prestigious colleges at the University of Basra, which was established with the beginning of the establishment of the University of Basra in 1964 and at that time contained only four departments. In order to, keep pace with the technological development taking place in the world of industry and the need for specialized engineering, who can deal with engineering materials - which include metallic and non-metallic materials - and computer-controlled manufacturing machines, and given the concentration of production and oil laboratories (production and refining), especially in the southern region and the enjoyment of the University of Basra. From its prestigious position, the necessity of opening a new department in the College of Engineering to teach materials science and engineering and gain experience in this specialty emerged. Therefore, the department was opened in 1999-2000 with simple capabilities, as the first generation of the department’s professors did not exceed 4 teachers only and with a limited number of laboratories and classes that are in The original belongs to the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

 Materials engineers represent the cornerstone of industries and advanced technological applications for their specialization in the development and manufacture of materials for use in industrial and technological applications, as materials engineering combines various sciences and technology to manufacture materials with characteristics and shapes that suit the required shapes. These materials include metals, ceramics, porcelain, plastics, semiconductors, composite materials, and others. Also, materials science is related to most other engineering departments such as civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical and petroleum engineering.

  The student graduates after completing his studies over four years to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering after passing all the prescribed methodological lessons, which correspond to the curriculum of the Materials Engineering departments in some British universities such as the University of Liverpool and Sheffield. As the knowledge of the basics of mechanical engineering, production engineering and metallurgy enables the graduate to work in the relevant institutions.