English Journals

   International   Journal  of  Numerical  Methods  in  Fluids
  International   Journal  of  Machine  tools  and  Manufacture
  International  Journal  of  Control
 AICH Journal Chemical  Engineering  Research
 Computres  and  Chemical  Engineering
 Computres  Structures
 International   Civil   Engineering  Abstracts
 International   Journal  of   Engineering  Science
 International   journal  of  Control
 International  Journal  of  Circuit  Theory  and  Applications
 International  Journal  of  Electronics
 International  Journal  of  Energy  Rescarch
 International  Journal  of  Hydrogen  Energy
 International  Journal  of  Mechanical  Sciences
 International  Journal  of  Multiphase  Flow  
 International  Journal  of  Production  Research
 International  Journal  of  Remote  Sensing
 International  Journal  of  Soilds  and  Structures
 International  Journal  of  Structures
 International  Journal  of  Systems  Science
 International  Journal  of electrical   Engineering  Educalion
 International  Shipbuilding  Progress
 journal  of    Engineering  for  Gas  Turbinal  and  Power
 journal  of   Engineering  For  Power
 Journal  of   Membrane  Science
 journal  of   The  Geotechnical   Engineering
 journal  of  Agriculture   Engineering  Research
 journal  of  Chemical  Education  
 journal  of  Computing   in  civil   Engineering
 journal  of  Constructional  Steel  Research
 journal  of  Constrution   Engineering  and  Management  
 Journal  of  Dispersion  Science  and  Technology
 Journal  of  Elasticity
 journal  of  Electronics  Control
 Journal  of  Engineering   Mathematics
 Journal  of  Engineering  and  Applied  Sciences
 journal  of  Environmental   Engineering
 journal  of  Ferrocement
 journal  of  Fluid  Mechanics
 journal  of  Fluids   Engineering
 journal  of  Food  Technology  
 journal  of  Heat  Transfer
 journal  of  Hydraulic   Engineering
 journal  of  Hydrology
 journal  of  Irrigation  and  Drainage   Engineering
 journal  of  Marketing
 journal  of  Materials  Science  Letters
 journal  of  Materiols  Science  
 journal  of  Mechanisms  Transmissions  and  Automation  in  Design
 journal  of  Polymer   Engineering
 journal  of  Professional  Issues  in Engineering
 journal  of  Ship  Research
 journal  of  Sound  and  Vibration
 journal  of  Structural   Engineering
 journal  of  Structural  Division
 journal  of  Structural Engineering
 journal  of  Surveying   Engineering
 journal  of  Surveying  and  Mapping  Division
 journal  of  Technical  Topics  in  Civil   Engineering
 journal  of  The   Engineering  Mechanics  Division
 journal  of  The   Geotechnical Engineering  Divison
 Journal  of  The  Air  Pollution  Control  Association
 journal  of  The  Association   For  Computing  Machinery
 journal  of  The  Construction  Division
 journal  of  The  Environmenal   Engineering  Division
 journal  of  The  Franklin  Institute  
 journal  of  The  Hydraulics  Division
 Journal  of  The  Institution  of  Engineering  (India)
 journal  of  The  Irrigation  and  Drainage  Division
 journal  of  The  Less- Common  Metals
 journal  of  The  Sanitary   Engineering  Division
 journal  of  The  Technical  Councils  of  ASSCE
 journal  of  The  Urban Planning  and  Development  Division
 journal  of  the  waterways  and  Harbors  Division
 journal  of  Thermal  Stress
 journal  of  Transportation   Engineering
 journal  of  Vibration  Acoustics  Stress  and  Reliability  in  Design
 journal  of  Water  way  Port  Coastal  and  ocean   Engineering
 the  GEC  journal  of  Research
 The  Institution  of  Municipal  Engineers
ACI  journal  of  the  American  Concrete  Institute 
ACI  Strvuctural Journal
ACI Materials Journal
acm  computing  Surveys
acm  Computing  Surveys
Advances  in  Materials  Technology  Montor
AEJ  (Alexandria  Engineering) journal
AIAA Journal 
AICH  Symposium  Series
AIIE  Transactions
Air  conditioning  Heating  and  Refringeration
Alhosn  university  journal  of  Engineeing  and  Applied  sciences
American  Ceramic Society Bulletin
American  Machinist
Anti- Corrosion  Mothods  and  Materials 
API Patent  Aiert
Applied  Computing  Review 
Applied  Mathematics and  mechanics (English  Edition)
Applied  Mechanics  Reviews
Applied  Solar  Energy
ASEA Journal
Ashrae  Transactions
Ashrae Journal
Asia  and  Africa  today
Asian  Journal  of  civil  Engineering
ASLE  Transactions
Atmospheric  Environment
ATR: Australian  telecomm  unication  Research
Automatic  Control and  computer  Sciencse
Automatica  the  IFAC  Journal
Automation  and  Remote control
Automative  engineering
Avia tion  week
Baumaschine  Bautechinik  (BMT)
Biotechnology  Advances
Biotechnology  Progress
British  Ship  Building
British book  News
Building  and  Environment
Bullein  of  The  Faculty  of  Engineering  and  Technology  mina  university
Bulletin  institute  international  of Refrigeration
Bulletin  of  Mechanical  Engineering  Education
Bulletin  of Marine  Engineering  
Bulletin  of Mathematical
Bulletin  Signaletique
Bulletin Space  for  Europe
Business  Week
Byte; The small  sysytem journal
Camcorder  user
Canadian  Geotechnical  Journal
Canadian  Journal  of  civil  Engineering
CEE  Chemical  Engineering  Education 
CEI  Communications  Engineering  International
CEP  Chemical  Engineering  Progress
CEW  Chemical  Engineering  Word
Chartered  Municipal  Engineer
Chartered  Surveyor  
Chartered  Surveyor  Weekly
Chemical  Abstracts
Chemical  and  Petroleum  Engineering
Chemical  Engineering
Chemical  Engineering  News
Chemical  Engineering  Progress
Chemical  Engineering  Research  and  Design
Chemical  Engineering COMMUNICATIOUS
Chemical  ENGINEERING Seience
Chemical and  Petroleum    Engineering
Chemiccal  Engineering  Technical  university
China  Science  and  Technology  Abstracts
Civi Engineering 
Civil  Engineering   
Civil  Engineering  for  practicing  and  design  Engineers 
Civil  Engineering  -Technical university
Cme  the  Chertered  Mechanical  Engineer
Coastal  Engineering
Communica tions  Engineering  international  
Communication  and  Broadcasting
Communications  International
Communications  of  the  ACM 
Composite  Structures
Computer  and  Industrial  Engineering
Computer  Bulletin
Computer  Design  The  Magazine  of  Digital  Electrone
Computer  innovative  technology  for  com  puter  professional
Computer  Methods  in  applied Mechan  and  Engineering
Computer  Networks  and  ISDN  Systems
Computer-aided  design
Computers  and  Electrical  Engineering
Computers  and  Fluide  an   International  Journal  
Computers  and  Geotechnics
Computers  and  Graphics
Computers  and  Mathematics  With  Applications  An  International  Journal
Computers  and  structures  An  International  Journal
Computers  in  Mechanical  Engineering (CIME)
Computing  Reviews
Comsat  Technical  Review
Concrete  International
Concrete  Plant  and  Production
Construction  Contracting
Construction  News  The  Contrachors  Source
Consuiting  Engineering
Consulting  Engineer  
Consulting  Specifying  Engineer  
Consumers  Digest
Contract  Journal
Contract  Journal
Contral  Patents  Index
Control  and Instrumentation
Control  and Instrumentation
Control  Engineering  
Corrosion  Science
CSW  Chartcred  Surveyor  Weekly
Current  contents
Cutting  Tool  Engineering
Data  Base
Data  Communiations
Digital  Studio : broadcasting  and  Production  in the  Middle East
DISA  information  Measurement  and  Aualysis
Earthquake  Engineering and  Structural  dynmics
Educational  courses  in  Britain  and  America
eesa  bulletin
EKISTICS  the  problems  and  science  of  human  settlements
Elctrical  Review  intrnational
Electrical  power  and  Energy  systems
Electrical  Review
Electrical Engineering     
Electro  Acoustic  Measu  Rements
Electronic  Components  and  Applications
Electronic  Engineering
Electronic  Letters
Electronic  Week
Electronics  and  Power 
Electronics  Today
Electrouic  Engineering  Times
Elements  of  Nuclear  physics
Eletronics  World
Energy   Conversion  and  Management
Energy  and  Buildings  
Energy  conversion   an  internaticnal  Journol
Energy  Information  Abstracts  
Energy  Progress
Energy  Technology
Energy  the  international  Journol
Engineering   Education
Engineering  Analysis
Engineering  Costs  and  production  econmics
Engineering  Fracture  Mechanics
Engineering  Issues
Engineering  Ness-Record
Engineering  With  Computers
English  Journal
Environment  and  planning
esa  Journal
Experimental  Techniques
Export  News  
Fast  company
Filtrations  and  Separation
Finte  Elements  in  analysis  and  design
Fire  Safety  Journal
First  international  Conference  on  Mathematical  Modeting
Flight  international  
Fluid  Phase  Equilibria
Food  Science  and  nutrition
Forensic  Science  and Law  Enforcement
Forthcoming   international  Scientific  and  Technical
Fuel  Peocessing  Technology
Fuel  the  science  and  technology  of  fuel  enrgy
Fueland  energy  abstracts
Gas  and  oil  power
Gas  Turbine  world  
GEM  Gulf  Economic   Monilor
Geotechnical  Abstracts
Geotechnical  Engineering
German  Chemical  Engineering
Glass    International
Glass  Technology
Gulf  business
Gulf  Marketing  Review
Heat  and  Flwid  Flow
Heat  Transfer
Hewlett-Packard  Journal
Highway  and  Heavy  Construction
Highway  Public  Works
Hydraulics   and  Pneumatics              
Hydrocarbon    Engineering
Hydrological   Scinces  bulletin
Hydrotech  nical  Construction
IEEE  Aerospace  end  Electronic Systems
IEEE  Industry Applications magazine
IEEE  Net  work  The  Magazine
IEEE  Net Work
IEEE  potentials
IEEE  Potentials the Magazine For Engineering Students
IEEE  Power   Engineering  Review
IEEE  Spectrum
IEEE  Transactions on  Software Engineering
IEEE  Transactions on  Sonics  and  Ultvasonics
IEEE  Transactions on Industrial Electronics and control Instrumentation
IEEE  Transactions on Industry  Electronics
IEEE  Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
IEEE  Transactions on Knowlej  and  Data Engineering
IEEE  Transactions on Magetics
IEEE  Transactions on Manufacturing Technology
IEEE  Transactions on Medical Imaging
IEEE  Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
IEEE  Transactions on Nuclear Scince
IEEE  Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
IEEE  Transactions on Parts, Hybrids , and Packacing 
IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE  Transactions on Plasma Science 
IEEE  Transactions on Pouer  Apparatus and Systems
IEEE  Transactions on Power Delivery
IEEE  Transactions on Power Electronics 
IEEE  Transactions on Power Electronics Magazine 
IEEE  Transactions on Power Systems 
IEEE  Transactions on Professional Communications
IEEE  Transactions on Reliability
IEEE  Transactions on Systems  Man and  cybernetics
IEEE Assp.magazine
IEEE Circuits and Devices
IEEE Computer  Applications in Power
IEEE Computer  Graphics  and  Applicatlons
IEEE Computer Graphics and Application
IEEE Design and Test of Computers
IEEE Electrical Insulation  Magazine
IEEE Electron Device Letters
IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Magazine
IEEE Engineering Management Review
IEEE Expert Intellgent Systems and Their Applications
IEEE Journal  of  Oceanic Engineering
IEEE Journal  of  Quantum Electrocis
IEEE Journal  of Lightweve  Technology
IEEE Journal  of Robotics  and  Atomatlion
IEEE Journal  of Solid  State  circuits 
IEEE Journal  on  Selected  Areasin  Communications
IEEE Membership Directory 2000
IEEE Micro
IEEE Multimedia
IEEE of the Proceedings
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
IEEE Power  Engineering  Review
IEEE Power and Energy for Electric Power Professional Magazine
IEEE TAG  Technical  Activities Guide
IEEE Technology  and  Society  magazine
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control
IEEE Transaction on Automatics Speech,and Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems society تشرة
IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical engineering
IEEE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
IEEE Transactions on Cable Television
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems magazine
IEEE Transactions on Circuits Theory
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Transactions on Componerts Hybrids,and Manufacturing Technology
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Desgin of Integrated Circuits and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Computers
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems magazine
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatiblity
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Managements
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Spech
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
IEEE Transactions on Information  Theory
IEEE Transcation on Electrical Insulation
IEEE Transcations on Education
iJeee   International  Journal  of  electrical    Engineering  education
In  Situ  Oil  Coal  Shale  Minerals
In  Tech  with  Industrial  Computing
Index  to  The  Proceedings  of  The  Institute  of  Radio    Engineers
Indian  chemical  Engineering
Indian  Roads  Congress
Indian  Roads  Congress  Journal
Industrial  and    Engineering  Chemistry  Product  Research  and  developmistry  Product  Research  and  development
Industrial and   Engineering  Chemistry  Fundamentals
Industrial- Time-Orsa Journal
Infonmaion  and  Control
Information  Systems
Inter  Ceram     International  ceramic  riview
Inter  Dok  Dirctory  of  Published  Proceedings
Interlending  Review
Ion-  Selecthive  Electrode  Reviews
Iranian  Journal  of  Science  and  Technology
Iribos  Abstracts  on  Friction  Iubrcation  Wear
Iron  Age
Iron  and  Steel  Engineer
ironmaking  and  Steelmaking
Irrigation  Science
ISSUES  IN    Engineering
Ja  The  Japan  Architect
japan  Telecommuniction  Review
JOM : The  Journal  of   The  Metals  Society
Journal  of    Engineering  for  Industry
Journal  of  Applied Mathematics  and  mechanics (PMM)
Journal  of  Applied Mechanics
Journal  of  Dynamic  Systems   Measurement  and  control
Journal  of  Energy  Resources  Technology 
journal  of  Engineering  for  Industry
Journal  of  Engineering  Materals  and  Tripology
Journal  of  Enviromental   Engineering
Journal  of  Geotechnieal  and Geoenvironmental  Engineering
Journal  of  Hydraulic  Engineering
Journal  of  Iubrication  Techuology
Journal  of  Metals
Journal  of  Prssure  Vessel  Technology
Journal  of American  Concrete
Journal  of the  hir Pollution control
Journal  of Tripology
Journal American  water works  Association
Journal of Kunooze Universty College for Sciences
Journal of Petroleum Researches and Studies
Journal of the Americon  concrete  Institute
JPJ   journal  of  Petroleum  Technology
JR  Jena  Review  
Jurnal  of  Ferrocement
Labrication  Engineering
Leee  Software
LNG  Industry
Long  Range  Plnning
Machine  Design  
Machinery  and  Production   Engineering
Magazine  of  Concrete  Research
Manufacturing   Engineering
Marconi   Instrumentation
Marine   Technology  
Marine  Polluion  Bulletin
Marine  Week
Mateials  Science  and  Engineering
Material  Flow
Materials  and  Design
Materials  Science  and  Tecnology
Mathematics  of  Operations  Research
Mec  Middle  East  Construction
Mechanical   Engineering
Mechanical   Engineering
Mechanics  of  Materials
Mechanism  and  Machine  Theory 
Memoirs  of  The  Faculty  of  Engineering
MER:Marine  Engineers  Review
Metallurgical  Transactions 
Metals  Abstrocts
Metals  Technology  
Micro  Waves  
Microelectronics   and   Reliability  
Micropcessars  and  Mmicrosystems
Microwave   journal  
Microwave  World
Middle  East  Electricity
Middle  East  Elestronics
Modeling  Identification  and  control
Modern  Casting
Monthly  Technical  Review  
MP  Materials  Performance  
MTZ   Motortechnische   Zeitschrift
Municiple  Engineer
National  Develop ment
NDT    International /  The  independent  Journal  of  nondestructive festing
Net  work  Middle  East
New  civil    Engineer  (NCE)
New  Scientist
News  from  Rohde  and  Schwarz
Nonlinear  Analysis
Norwegian  Geotechical   Institute
Nuclear  Safty
Nudear  Engineering and  Design
NVB  nois  and  vibrtion  bulletin
Oil  Week
OKI  Technical  REVIEW
Open  Oil  and  Petrochemical  Equipment  News
Operation   Systems  Review  (asm)
Operation  Research /management Science
Operations  Research
Optimal  Control  Applications  and  methods
ORSA / TIMS  Joint  national  meeting
PC  magazine  middle  and  near  east
Petrde  informations
Petroleum  chemistry
Plant/Operations  Progress
Plastics  and  Rubber  processing  and  Applications
Point-to-Point  Communication
Polish  Technical  Review
Post  Office  telecommunications  Journal
Powder    Technology
Powder  Metalluray  International
Power    Engineering 
Proceeding is of  The  Institution  of  eivil  Engineering
Proceedings  of  the  institution  of  mechanical    Engineering 
Production   Engineer
Progress  in  materials  science
Progress  in  Water  Technology
Project  Management
Public  Works
Pyocess   Engineering 
Quality   Control  and  Applied  statistics
Quality  Control  year  book
quality  Progress  
quality  Progress  The  monthy  magazine
RAC  Refrigeration  and  Air  conditioning
Reliability    Engineering 
Review  of  the  electrical  communication 
Reviews  in  chemical    Engineering 
Revue  General  Des  Routes  etdes  Aerodromes
Revue  Technique
Revue de L ،Universite de Constantive 
Ruval  Electrification 
Science  and  Industry
Scientific  American
Scientific  and  Technical  Aerospace   Reports
Selected Papers from the Journal of the Society of Architects of Japan
Sensors  and  Actuators
Separation Science and Technology
Sgact  News  (ASM)
Shipping  world  and  shipbuilder
Siam Journal of Control and Optimization
Siemens  Research  and  Development  Reports
Siemens  Review
Siemens Power Engineering
Signal  Processing
Sigplan Notes (acm)
Smart  Money
Society  of  Petroleum   Engineering 
Soft Ware Engineering Notes(acm)
Soil  Dynamics  and  Earthquake   Engineering 
Soil and Foundations
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Solar and Wind Technology
Solar Cells
Solar Energy
Solid State Communications
Solid State Technology
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange
Sound and Vision
SPEJ society of petrolum engineering
Statistical  Panorama  VIX
Strasse  und Autobahn
Surface Technology
Technical  Monograph
Technical Review
Telecom  British  Journal
Telecommunications  and  Radio   Engineering 
The    Engineering  Index  mcnthly
The    Institution  of  Mechanical  Engineers
The   International  Journal  of  Mechanical    Engineering  Education
The   journal  of  The  Operational  Society  (Or) 
The  Aeronautical  Journal
The  Aeronautical  Quarterly
The  Americen  Transportation  Builder
The  Canadian  Journal  of  Chemical  Engineering
The  Chemical  Engineer
The  Chemical  Engineering  JOURNAL
The  Dock  and  Harbour  Athority
The  Economist
The  Engineer: The Weekly  for  Engineering Management
The  Highway  Engineer
The  Indian  Concrete  Journal
The  International  Journal  of  Mechanical   Engineering   Education
The  Journal  of   Mechanical  Engineering  Science
The  Journal  of   The   Institution  of   Highway   Engineers
The  Journal  of  the  Acoustical  Society  of  America
The  Marconi  Review 
The  Metallurgist  and  Matrials  Technologist
The  Motor  Ship
The  Oil  and  Gas  year
The  Production    Engineer
The  Pulletin  of  The  Faculty  of     Engineering  and    Technology
The  Quality   Journal
The Aeronautical Journal
The Bankers  Magazine
The bell  System  Technical  Journal
The Journal  of  Canadian  Petorleum  Technology
The Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers
The Physics of Metrals and Metallography
The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology
The Sciences
The Society of Naval Arehitects and Marine Engineering
The Sock and Vibration Digest
The Telecommunication Journal of Australia
Thermal Engineering
Tile  and  Brick 
Toshiba Review
Traffic Engineering Control
Transactions  of  American  Institute  of  Mining  and  Metallurgical  Engineers
Transactions  of  the Institution of Chemical Engineers
Transactions  of the Royal Institution of Navel Architects
Transactions of the ASAE
Transactions on Database Systems (acm)
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (acm)
Transportation   Engineering   journal  of  ASSCE
Tribology Intrernational
Water  Power  and  Dam  Constru  ction
Water and Wast Treatment Journal
Water Pollution Control
Water Power and Dam Construction
Water Research
Water Resources Bulletin
Water Supply and Management
Welding Journal
Wireless World
World Cement Technology
World Water
Zanco the scientific journal of sulaimaniyah university