A PhD thesis at the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah discussing (reducing the temperature of the water tank in hot climate regions by using an underground heat exchanger). The thesis submitted by the student Amer Abdel Adhim Dakhil
study of water tank with geothermal heat exchanger experimentally and theoretically.
All experimental studies were carried out in one area in the city of Najaf in Iraq. The field study includes measurements of ambient air temperature, surface temperature, and soil temperature. The maximum depth level was set at 3 m underground because the soil temperature was relatively stable.
In addition to measuring the temperature of the water. The wall of the water tank is made of polyvinyl chloride, with an outer diameter of 0.75 in., and a capacity of 250 liters.
Theoretical studies in this thesis were conducted using ANSYS 20/fluent software. The data were in agreement with the experimental work data and thus ANSYS 20/fluent can be relied upon to test the geothermal heat exchanger in Najaf.
The thesis aims to reduce the water tank temperature in regions with hot climates
The thesis concluded a good agreement between empirical and theoretical works.
It has been found that the geothermal heat exchanger is an effective technology for lowering the water temperature to a level suitable for domestic use.