Professor Dr. Munir Abdel-Jalil Ismail, teaching at the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah, in cooperation with researchers from Iraqi and foreign universities, published a research entitled
Convection heat transfer in enclosures with inner bodies: A review on one
and two-phase nanofluid models
In the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews journal of the international publishing house (Elsevier)
It is classified within the Clarivate and Scopus Q1 containers, with an IF = 15.9 and Citescore = 26.3.
The research included a study of single- and two-phase mathematical models describing nanofluids and their effect on free and forced convection inside closed containers.
The results indicated that the two-phase models give a fundamental insight into the aggregation and deposition of nanoparticles on the surfaces of the cylinders contained inside the containers, as this deposition negatively affects heat transfer.