The master’s thesis by student Liqaa Nabil Sobeih was discussed at the University of Basra, College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, entitled FPGA_Based Accelerator for Image Steganography Algorithms.
The message included a proposal for a process to accelerate the work of steganography algorithms using the least significant bit (LSB) algorithm through the use of FPGA technology and the The original LSB information is programmed into a program running on a Lenovo PC. The LSB algorithm is directly sorted on the RGB matrices of the color cover images to contain all the secret bits within the least significant bits of the cover image pixels. Test results show that the system can hide a lot of data, keep it safe, and work well. Checks
The system also checks how closely the hidden data matches the original data. The results showed that the system is better than other methods, and it can hide data without changing the images too much. The results also show that the images that the masking within them is close enough to the original images. The hidden data is exactly the same data.