We are pleased to announce to our dear university graduates the news of activating the cooperation mechanism agreement with Basrah Gas Company, which was signed yesterday, in which the negotiating team of our university, under the direct supervision of the respected President of the University, Professor Dr. Saad Shaheen, was keen to provide the best opportunities for appointment or contract with the above-mentioned company, as The first step of applying for appointment opportunities for 30 engineers from the first graduates of the College of Engineering and the departments shown below is according to the needs of the Basrah Gas Company.
1- Department of Chemical Engineering (18 engineers)
2- Mechanical Engineering Department (6 engineers)
3- Electrical Engineering Department (3 engineer)
4- Civil Engineering Department (3 engineers)
The applicant for the job must be a graduate of the last two years exclusively (according to the conditions and standards of the company)
The engineers involved are kindly requested to fill out the attached form exclusively for the period from 4 - 8/2/2021, wishing them all success.
Lists of the first students included in applying for a job opportunity with Basrah Gas Company