A letter of thanks and appreciation to / Prof. Dr. Sami Jabr Kazem Al-Maliki / Director of Quality Assurance Department, Presidency of the University of Basrah, Prof. Kazem Abdel-Wahab Hassan / College of Education for Human Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hassanein Ibrahim Khalaf / Director of the Division of Quality Assurance and University Performance, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Riyad Adnan Al-Tamimi / Faculty of Agriculture, Lect. Hussein Abdel Karim Younes / College of Education for Girls
In appreciation of the efforts made by them, by accompanying them to the team of the ministerial committee in charge of auditing the evaluation files of public universities according to the standards of the national classification of the quality of Iraqi universities and providing them with support, they received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the Dean of the College of Engineering. Rabie Hashem Thajil.