Postgraduate student (PhD) Muzaffar Abed Al-Zahra Abd Ali from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering in Basrah discussed his thesis (three-dimensional predictions of the movement of gases and heat for industrial furnaces with different types of fuels). Heat classification of gaseous fuels to obtain accurate results for heat distribution and speed. The highest temperature obtained was 2460 degrees Kelvin for raw fuel and 2140 degrees Kelvin for fuel in the middle of the furnace. Practically results that the lamps for fuel, gases, methane and 71.5 m / s for liquid fuel at A height of 11,782 m inside the injectors furnace in the third level, as recommended by a three-dimensional study to predict the temperature of industrial furnaces that operate with two types of combustion, namely, non-combustion with mixing and the combustion function.