A research team at the College of Engineering publishes a research in an international journal

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Ali Jouda and Dr. Fatima Kadhum Hassan and Dr. Alaa Falah Abdul-Hassan, members at the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah, conducted a research in the Journal of Robotics located in the first quarter of Q1 in the global container Scopus and the impact factor (CiteScore 4.9), which is affiliated with the international publishing house MDPI. titled:
An Automatic Self Shape-Shifting Soft Mobile Robot (A4SMR)
 The research includes designing a robot made of soft rubber materials that is capable of moving and automatically changing its shape in proportion to the width of the track through a special camera. The robot is designed from environmentally friendly materials, in addition to the fact that the device does not need any power source and relies on air as the only source of movement.