A master's thesis at the University of Basrah discusses (Machine's education for a four-legged robot)

a master's thesis in the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah discussing (Machine teaching a four-legged robot). 
The thesis presented by student Ali Ashour Issa dealt with the interest in designing and simulating the proposed control unit for a four-legged robot, in addition to
A study of the capabilities of a quadrupedal robot based on the SimScape Multi-Body Toolbox, was also evaluated
Test the durability of the designed console by varying the load weight. For a four-legged robot. Designed
The four-legged robot, to enhance movement versatility; The four-legged robot is built with three attachments for each leg instead of two.
The thesis aims to explain how to use optimization or control optimization to develop the walking movements of quadrupedal robots.
The thesis aims to explain how to use optimization or control optimization to develop the walking movements of quadrupedal robots.
The thesis concluded the improvement in
the performance of the quadruple robot compared to the previous one. Machine learning using reinforcement learning (DDPG (RL) was also applied to the robot system to produce
And improve the walking movement of the robot, and find simulation results that show that the behavior of the four-wheeled robot has been improved when compared to previous cases,
 And the results obtained when reinforcement learning DDPG was used instead
better than the previous cases.