A master's thesis was discussed in the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah (the study of slab or lamellar tributaries with zigzag strings). It dealt with the thesis presented by the student Raghad Nasri Naji Laying bundles of corrugations in the web in the sternum area as part of the investigation Experimental and theoretical in slab beams. Seven models of steel bridges with similar dimensions were tested under two loading points. . In this study, the effect of (corrugation, thickness of corrugation, The number of corrugated layers and the shape of the corrugated sheet) on (bending and ultimate loads And also on the lateral and vertical deviation) and compared them to the reference sample. The main variable is the thickness of the corrugated sheet in the web (1/2 mm 1 mm, 2 mm), The depth was constant in all models (300 mm). A numerical study of the structural behavior of corrugated sheets was conducted using nonlinear finite element analysis in three dimensions. It was found that there is a convergence between the results that we obtained in the laboratory with the results that we obtained from the theory of sample analysis in the Ascension program based on the finite elements to predict the torsional load, the final load, and the deviations. mode and form of failure. Four additional samples were studied using software In a finite element analysis (FEE), the samples were generated with the same dimensions and characteristics as the previous models The aim of the thesis is to study plate or lamellar tributaries with zigzag tendons The letter concluded that samples with a corrugated plate in the web were More effective than other (flat) boards.