A master's thesis in the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah discussed (the structural behavior of flat slabs strengthened by Y-type perfobond ribs), the thesis presented by Dania Abdel Nasser Abdel Reda dealt with the practical side of casting and examining (10) models of flat roofs with dimensions (800 * 800) mm and a thickness of (100) mm. The models were divided into two groups. The first group contained Iron fibers by 1% in the concrete mix, while the second group did not contain these fibers. He was While the remaining 8 models were reinforced with shear reinforcement in addition to the longitudinal reinforcement, and the shear reinforcement was of two types: the first was using iron rods formed in the form of a letter (Y), and the second was iron sheets formed also in the form of a letter (Y), As for the distribution of shear reinforcement, it was in both radial and parallel forms. The samples were tested by means of load reinforcement on the center of the slab with an area of (100 * 100) mm. The slab was supported by a simple support from its four edges. As for the theoretical study, the Abaqus/CAE program was used to analyze the aforementioned models with two models In addition, the commonly used shear reinforcement was used to know the benefit of using the types of reinforcement that were developed In the shape of the letter (Y). The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the extent to which the flat-type roof is affected by using two different types of shear reinforcement in the form of the letter (Y) with two mixtures of concrete. Laboratory examination of the models concluded that the addition of iron fibers gives strength to the models by (7.4%) to 20.58 %) for the final load compared to the final load for models that do not contain iron fibers, , as shown The results of the program are that the samples that contain iron fibers are stronger by (12.7% to 26.6%). The presence of plate reinforcement increased the loading capacity by (2.4% to 10%) and reduced precipitation in the middle of the samples by (6% to 50%) compared with the loadability and precipitation of the models containing shear reinforcement.