Specialized workshop (future prospects for the gas industry in Iraq)

A specialized workshop was held today, Thursday 10/12/2020 at the Oil Cultural Center Hall under the supervision of the College of Engineering and sponsored by the University of Basra and the Basra Oil Company and in the presence of the Director of the Basra Oil Company, Mr. Khaled Hamza Abbas, and Mr. Merva Al-Asadi, Director General of the Basra Gas Company and the Dean of the College of Engineering Prof. Dr. Ramzi Salem

The workshop included several aspects, including a geological survey of Iraqi gas fields, the current reality of the gas industry in Iraq, challenges of the current stage of the gas industry, studies and scientific research to support the gas industry, investment companies and investment projects, future prospects for the gas industry in Basra and Iraq in addition to ten researches for a number of researchers In the oil sector and Basrah University, during which it dealt with ideas and proposals to benefit from the quantities of gas.

The workshop aims to clarify the future prospects for the gas industry in Iraq in general and in Basra Governorate in particular, explain the reasons for the delay in gas investment and the side effects of burning operations and their causes, and explain the challenges to proceed with gas investment and prevent the waste of that large energy, in cooperation between Basrah University and the Basrah Oil Company and by hosting senior specialists in the field of gas transactions.

At the end of the workshop, certificates of appreciation were distributed to all researchers participating in the workshop.