The College of Engineering, University of Basra, holds the annual employment conference for university graduates

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Basra, Professor Dr. Muhannad Jawad Kazem, and under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Professor Dr. Mufid Turki Rashid, the University of Basra, College of Engineering, held the annual recruitment conference for engineering and administrative specializations, in cooperation with the Chinese Petroleum Engineering and Construction Company cpecc, in the College of Engineering, in the hall of the martyr, Dr. Asaad Salim. In the presence of college professors and a large group of students and graduates, the conference began with a speech delivered by the Dean of the College of Engineering, Professor Dr. Mufid Turki Rashid, to introduce and welcome the company. For his part, Mr. Sun Bond gave me an introductory speech about the company and his experience with it and explained the interview steps to the graduates.
The conference aimed to adopt students after their graduation and provide them with job opportunities. Job interviews were also conducted for graduates from all engineering and administrative specializations.