The College of Engineering at the University of Basra, in coordination with the Directorate of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Affairs in Basra, organized a scientific symposium entitled The dangers of drugs and their impact on the individual and society, in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs
D. Sarmad Abdullah Abbas and a number of heads of departments and college employees in the Martyr Hall and lectured at the symposium Colonel Ali Mohsen Hamid, Director of the Legal Department Directorate of Narcotics and Psychotropic Affairs in Basra
The symposium aimed to provide members of society with awareness and knowledge and immunize them from foreign cultures to confront the scourge of drugs as they are the most common, as well as to intensify efforts to develop an integrated strategy to reduce this phenomenon.
The seminar, during which Colonel (Ali) delivered to clarify a number of things, the most important of which are: the definition of drugs and their types, how to avoid them, not to fall into legal problems and neglect in dealing with them, possession or abuse, saying (that the law does not protect fools), in addition to a detailed explanation of addiction and its types and the concept of combating drugs. The seminar also included the presentation of some explanatory awareness videos that paint a real picture of the dangers of drug abuse and seek to deliver thought.