A Master's Thesis at the University of Basrah Discusses (studying the effect of distributing viscous dampers on steel structural installations)

A master’s thesis at the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah discussed (studying the effect of the distribution of viscous dampers on steel structural structures)
The thesis presented by the student Istabraq Karim Abdel
A study of the response of the building to two conditions, the first without a damper and the second using the damper, and for two cases, four earthquakes with seismic effects were selected.
The dampers are installed in the outer frames of the chassis and in six different shapes (single one, sinkel two, cross one, cross two, chevron one, chevron two). They were compared and the best form was selected, which is the Cross Two damper, which noticed a significant decrease in the seismic response
The message aims to reduce the structural response after a ten-storey iron building was exposed to earthquakes using viscous fluid dampers
The thesis concluded to reduce the number of dampers in the structure by placing it in five floors, which achieves a decrease in the seismic response in addition to a decrease in cost.