Basra University organizes a specialized workshop entitled (Sanitation projects _ reality and problems)

Under the patronage of the President of Basra University, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Ramzi Salem Ali, the College of Engineering at the University of Basra organized a specialized workshop entitled (Sanitation projects _ reality and problems). The workshop dealt with the current reality of wastewater treatment projects in Basra Governorate, Basra Governorate plans in the field of wastewater, the current reality and obstacles in the Basra Governorate Sewage Directorate, the importance of sewage treatment projects in Basra Governorate, and Prof. Dr. Alaa Abd Al-Razzaq Jassim said that the aim of the workshop was to develop the current treatment plants with the development of stations or central projects for treatment Sewage water in Basra Governorate has a great impact on the environmental reality in the governorate in addition to the possibility of investing solid, liquid and gas wastes generated during the treatment stages, adding that there

are many obstacles faced by the wastewater treatment sector in Basra Governorate, the most important of which is the obsolescence of wastewater projects, lack of specialized staff, the small number of central wastewater projects, the lack of use of modern technology in dealing with with solid waste and treated water coming out from sewage projects. It is worth noting that the first opening session was chaired by Professor Nuri Abdul Nabi Nasser, Director General of the Marine Sciences Center, and Professor Sinan Abdul Mahdi, Associate Technical Director of Basra Sewage Directorate.

As for the second session, it was headed by Professor Khaled Abdul Razzaq, Director of the Follow-up Department, Basra Oil Company, and Eng. Shaima Dakhil, from the Directorate of Sewage of Basra Governorate. In the end, certificates of participation were distributed.