A doctoral thesis at the University of Basrah discussing (design and implementation of an artificial intelligent control system for the Halicopter aircraft)

A doctoral thesis at the University of Basrah discussing (design and implementation of an artificial intelligent control system for the Halicopter aircraft)
PhD thesis at the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah discussing (Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligent Control System for Halicoter)
The thesis presented by the researcher Baqer Nasser Abdel Samad dealt with presenting different types of controllers for the classic aircraft such as PID and smart controllers. Through the use of ROS to link between the GS program and the Matlab program to create several types of data for the aircraft to fly and perform several tasks.

The aim of the thesis is to design and implement an artificial intelligent control system for a quadcopter with motors
The thesis concluded that an aircraft was practically built and tested during a flight site dedicated to three main scenarios such as RTL as well as Landing mode and obstacle avoidance using the proposed method RFLOA and all scenarios were successfully implemented.