B. Sc. Graduation project entitled (Wireless Sensor Network for Health Care Applications)

Student Noor Al-Huda Hazem and student Fatima Hamza presented in the Department of Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Basrah a graduation project entitled (Wireless Sensor Network for Health Care Applications) under the supervision of the teacher Hanadi Salah Ahmed. The project dealt with manufacturing a bracelet to measure percentage Oxygen in the blood, heart rate and body temperature

In this work, an intensive care room healthcare monitoring system is proposed which monitors the body parameters of a cardiac patient such as heart rate, temperature and SpO2. It helps caregivers and hospital staff to continuously monitor the parameters of the patient's body. Each patient node is connected to the nurse's room computer via the primary node.The nurse's room computer is used to monitor each patient's response. With the design of the graphical user interface to enter patient data such as name, age, gender identification and chronic diseases, it is entered and linked to a database to save it for use when reviewing the patient again

The goal of the project is the continuous monitoring of heart patients in the intensive care unit in hospitals, in addition to using this system to care and monitor the elderly who are staying alone in their homes and also for the care of children and monitoring of COVID-19 patients at home