A joint scientific research by two teachers from the College of Engineering at the University of Basra was published in a reputable international journal

Professor Dr. Fadel Rahma Taher and Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Basit Abdul Samad Jassim, teaching staff from the University of Basra, College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, in cooperation with the Chennai Institute of Technology and Qassim University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, published a research entitled “Dynamical Analysis of a 3D Fractional Order Chaotic System for High Security Communication and its Electronic Circuit Implementation
In the Journal of Nonlinear Mathematics, which is one of the international scientific journals with a high impact factor IF=0.9 at Springer Publishing House. This work is considered an added link to the series of achievements of the College of Engineering, which aims to develop the scientific and academic level of the College and raise the university’s ranking in international classifications. This research also comes within scientific cooperation with international universities