A master thesis at the University College of Engineering discusses the design and implementation of a wearable robot for rehabilitation at home

The master thesis of the student Wafa Abdel Mohsen Darraj from the University of Basra, College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering was discussed under the title Design and implementation of a wearable robot for at-home rehabilitation that included hand function may be affected by a range of conditions, including stroke or inflammation.
Joints or aging. A weak hand causes difficulties in performing daily activities related to hand function.
Restoring hand function represents one of the most Problems are difficult to rehabilitate. As the traditional treatment Expensive and time consuming, many researchers have worked to develop robots that have the ability to Facilitating rehabilitation. In this study, a glove was designed to help the patient perform common rehabilitation exercises Pneumatic extensor muscles are designed to have the ability to change their stiffness at a fixed or maintained length On its hardness at different lengths , curved pneumatic muscles have been developed that can change their stiffness at a fixed angle Or maintain its rigidity at different angles, established these muscles are extensor by combining the extensor and flexor muscles.
A mathematical model was developed to calculate the resulting force of these muscles, and then improve. This model calculates the wasted energy consumed by the operator before bladder expansion begins, at which point it is...
It will only collapse in order for the bladder to expand to touch the casing. The results showed that choosing new curved muscles in manufacturing a soft robot for hand rehabilitation is similar to using a balloon in manufacturing muscles, as it is a lightweight and thin material, so it requires very low pressure to stretch the muscle.